Lost to Found(er) Programme

Make your fledgling business more profitable and YOU-shaped.

More meaning, motivation & money in just 6 months.

Let's check you're in the right place...

– You’re a kind-hearted, service-based female founder and you’ve been running your own business for about 6-18 months (either on the side or full-time)

– You’ve been duly following all the advice, attending all the workshops, reading all the books on mindset and business strategy, listening to all the podcasts, joining all the memberships, essentially doing all the things the online business ‘gurus’ having been telling you to do…

– BUT… despite regularly posting on social media (and doing all the things the afore-mentioned ‘gurus’ advise), you’re not getting nearly enough enquiries about your services, so your income feels sporadic at best.

– You’re updating your social media profiles and website weekly (ok, daily) to try and explain who you help and how.

– You’re attracting an ‘eclectic’ mix of prospective clients – some are a good fit …but not ready to invest whilst others are a really bad fit but ready to invest in your service right now! 🤦‍♀️

– You’re dangerously close to burnout (you recognise the signs from when you worked your 9-5 full-time)

– The endless comparison on social media, your overwhelming to-do list and a large dose of imposter syndrome mean that you’ve started to question your value and why you even started your business in the first place.

– You’re even wondering if your Great Aunt Maud was right all along; and if you should just go and get ‘a proper job’ after all… 

– Despite your very best intentions, you’re struggling to maintain momentum and keep your initial spark, motivation and enthusiasm for your business alive.


You’ve been thinking…

 – I started this business to to find more freedom & flexibility so why am I chained to my laptop day & night?

 – My income is so inconsistent. A nice, reliable monthly paycheque seems so appealing right now.

 – I miss my colleagues & having a team around me to keep me accountable and bounce ideas off.

 – I’m really struggling to make progress in my business & keep getting distracted. (hello, instagram.)

 – I’m saying ‘yes’ to projects just to pay the bills, not because they light me up.

 – I’m attracting the wrong kind of clients & my confidence has been knocked by a couple of bad experiences.

 – I know I ‘should’ be more visible on social media but the thought of it fills me with dread.

 – I’m running out of ideas of what to say in my marketing.

 – I left my 9-5 to have time with my family & prioritise my mental health & yet I feel worse than ever.

 – I’ve lost sight of why I started my business in the first place, what I want to do & who I really want to help.

 – Sometimes I worry that I’ve created a monster & feel like throwing in the towel and going back to my 9-5!



I get it. Really I do. I’ve been exactly where you are in 2019. 

(and this is why I eventually invested in my own business coach! )


But please know that you are not alone in feeling this way.

In fact, these feelings are exactly why I created my unique founders’ community and programme, The Orchard – Lost to Found(er). 

This unique programme blends self-discovery and business strategy so you can make your business more profitable and YOU-shaped in just 6 months.

You’ll learn how to:


  •  Re-design your business around the lifestyle you crave, your loved ones & your happiness.
  •  Build strong, sustainable foundations that will ensure the viability and profitability of your business.
  •  Re-define your authentic, purpose-led mission & clarify your you-shaped business brand.
  •  Identify dreamy ideal clients you’ll want to work with & effortlessly attract them with magnetic content.
  •  Uncover your unique blend of strengths, skills & experience that your ideal clients will want to pay you for.
  •  Package your uniqueness into products & services you’ll love to offer (& your dream clients will love to buy)
  •  Use hustle-free, feel-good marketing & sales strategies that align with your personality, strengths & values.


In short, the Lost to Found(er) programme within The Orchard founders community, will give you the self-awareness and step-by-step business strategy you need to make your fledgling business more profitable, sustainable and meaningful.

Plus you’ll end up with a business that aligns authentically with your personality, purpose and the lifestyle you crave.

With a ready-made network and community of inspiring, like-minded female founders, cheering you on every step of the way, you’ll also develop the confident founder mindset that’s so essential when you work for yourself. 

The 5 foundations of a happy, profitable business

Would you like to find out more?

If you’d like to find out more, and see if we’re a good fit, you can apply for a FREE Strategy Call by clicking on the green button below.

On this 45 min call, we’ll go through the key elements of your business model and identify 3 simple but impactful ways to make your business more fruitful in 2023. 🍏
If I think I can help you – and you’d like to find out more – I’ll share the details of my signature Lost to Found(er) programme with you.
Even if we don’t decide to work together, at the very least you’ll leave the call with 3 practical growth strategies you can implement in your business.
But what I can promise you is that this 45 minutes will be worth your time, either way.🙏

What do people say about The Orchard?

These are just a few of the transformations you can expect from the Lost to Found(er) programme:
  • Stop throwing spaghetti at a wall > and formulate a personalised, focused, step-by-step strategy
  • Get to know yourself better > so you can build a business around your personality & purpose
  • Make your business meaningful and profitable > so you can replace your 9-5 salary and feel fulfilled
  • Tune into the wisdom of Mother Nature and the seasons > so you can enjoy your business without the hustle
  • Get crystal clear on your audience and services > so you can stop people-pleasing and trying to help everyone with everything
  • Home in on your ‘sweet spot dream clients’ > so you only attract people who are ready to work with you
  • Craft irresistible services that you love to offer and your audience will want to buy > so your days are filled with ease and joy and your clients get incredible results
  • Download your unique IP into a signature solution > so your service stands out from the crowd
  • Overcome the discomfort of getting visible > so you can comfortably share your magic with the people you want to serve
  • Learn how to get a handle on your mindset monkeys > so you can squash self-limiting beliefs and make progress in your business
  • Identify attraction strategies that feel natural > so marketing yourself feels authentic (and even fun!)
  • Define a magnetic personal (and business) brand that fits you like a glove > so only soul-aligned dream clients will be drawn to your offers

Get a flavour of my approach in this FREE workbook and email series.