female founder coaching

1:1 Female Founder Coaching & Mentoring

Whether you describe yourself as a freelancer, self-employed or as a female founder; running your own business can often feel lonely and overwhelming.

(I’ve been doing it since 2016 so I should know…)

  • Without a manager, business partner, mentor or team to cheer you on, it’s easy to lose sight of your value and talents. And sometimes even why you started your business in the first place.
  • You can often feel stuck; like you’re going round and round in circles, unable to make the progress you want.
  • Without an objective pair of eyes on your business (who isn’t your partner or your best friend!) you can doubt yourself.
  • Mindset blockers and confidence-crushers like imposter syndrome and self-limiting beliefs can rear their ugly heads when you least expect them; stopping you in your tracks.
  • A lack of boundaries and alignment can leave you feeling burnt out, frazzled and exhausted if you’re not careful.
Don’t panic, you’re not alone.
I can help.
Work happiness and self-belief are directly correlated with success in business.

So we’ll start with re-connecting with who you are, what makes you tick, what you’re great at, what’s important to you, your purpose-led why and the need your products and services fulfil in the world.

I’ll then help you design a personalised, YOU-shaped business strategy and create healthier work-life boundaries.

You’ll then be able to take intentional – but comfortable steps – towards business goals that align authentically with your personality and purpose.

This way you’ll create more happiness and impact in your day-to-day work life and shine even brighter in your brilliant ‘you-shaped’ business.

Have you downloaded my free founder workbook?

Ways we can work togther

Click the images below to find out more about the different ways I work with future and fledgling female founders.

My female founders community & startup programme

A 'Spa Day for your Business

Bespoke 1:1 support

Happy Female Founder Clients

“Thank you so so much Sarah, the growth of Gem and I in the past weeks is so tangible (nose is starting to fizz on opening line). I've taken great pleasure in telling my husband over supper not just how fabulous you and the Shine Brighter programme are, but why you're so fabulous - firstly your warmth & smile that are quite frankly contagious, your support and empathy, the way you listen without judgement, and then to top if all off you whop (2 p's?) out the cleverest of facts and rationale so we can even understand the whole shebang. It's been such a journey. Tonic is certainly all the shinier for your much-valued time and guidance. Because of you, instead of being scared of the big wide world, we're now ready for it."
Viki Brockett & Gem Dalton
Co-Founders - made with tonic
“Last week, I finished four months of careers coaching with a truly fantastic woman, Sarah Clarke of Shine Brighter Consulting. After her help I now feel fearless, exuberant, flying. I now have clarity on my values, strengths that I didn’t even know I had and an artillery of redefined skills and superpowers at my disposal. I have so much more confidence in myself and my abilities and, although I’ve so much work left to do, I know I can bloody well do it. So a huge THANK YOU, Sarah – you have indeed made me shine brighter!”
Felicity Haythorn
Founder - Haythorn Copy
"I had been searching around for someone to help support in creating a focus for my business moving forward. I really wanted help in making my intentions and business ethos clear to all my past and future clients. The Shine Day with Sarah was honestly the best thing for helping my confidence as a business woman and truly helping in affirming my hopes for the future and how I can get there. We worked on getting super clear on my offerings and how I can showcase these to my clients. What makes my business stand out from the rest and helps it be unique. It came at the perfect time as I was making big moves in my personal life, so being able to continue the theme into my business life was great. I'm so grateful to Sarah for her support, not only on the day but also the months after. She really cares and is a great cheerleader. I highly recommend working with her!”
Amy Kolsteren
Founder - Moiee Fee Photography
"The 1:1 SHINE programme with Sarah was such a positive experience and helped me make some huge changes in my business and personal life. Sarah is incredibly warm and skilfully guided me on a personal journey to take more control over my career. I was stuck in a rut, feeling low and unable to see a way forward. I now know my strengths and where to focus my time and energy in order to reach my goals. I would recommend Sarah and the 1:1 sessions to anyone.”
Claire Gillespie
Founder - Oglee Poglee
“Sarah is full of interesting insights and is clearly experienced in steering you towards your own answers. Her Shine Group program has felt like a rare glimpse into me, the person I should know the best. Turns out I had a lot to learn! I’m walking away clear on my strengths and values and how I might move forward with those. Definitely recommend to anyone having a work wobble! An unexpected bonus was meeting a lovely, supportive group of intelligent women!”
Hannah Van Buskirk
Founder – HVB Marketing
"Working with Sarah was a real joy and I looked forward to all of our sessions together. Before we started I was confused about what I should be doing with my career, couldn't really pinpoint what I was good at and had had my confidence knocked by a few bad clients. However, throughout Sarah's SHINE program, I managed to unscramble what interests me, the work I enjoy, and what I am good at. HOORAY! Identifying my values and strengths and where I should be focusing my energies, has really spurred me to not settle for work that doesn't align with me or bring me happiness. I would highly recommend Sarah!!!!"
Jaquetta Haythorn - Owner
Founder & Owner - Hatch
"Running your own business can be lonely – you don’t have a boss or someone above you telling you when you’re about to make the wrong decision and I agonised over the decisions and choices I’d made.

Sarah has been Fantastic – with a capital F! Her cocktail of psychometric analysis and professional guidance, without ever actually forcing an opinion has been invaluable. As a direct result of her 1:1 SHINE programme I have had a huge break through. I can’t wait to get started on this next chapter. It feels totally analogous with my values, beliefs and ambition. It doesn’t mean tearing up everything that’s gone before but I’ve gone from stumbling in the dark to finding the energy to climb the mountain, break through the clouds and I’m feeling totally empowered.
Her fees are extremely reasonable, it’s a structured approach not just a series of weekly chats. I could not have got to this point without her help. Thank you, Sarah. And world watch this space…!”
Jane Johnson
Founder & MD - Careering Into Motherhood

Have you downloaded my free founder workbook?

Let's connect on social media!

If you’re passionate about creating more happiness in your work life, I share loads of free resources and content on social media so please do connect with on your favourite platform.

I’m @theworkhappinesscoach on instagram, facebook (where I also have a free Facebook group called The Work Happiness Playbook), I’m here on Linkedin and I also have a newsletter called Work Happy Words, where I regularly share handy hints and tips as well special offers and early bird discounts to my various programmes and packages.

Alternatively you can drop me a good old fashioned email on [email protected] or book a free no strings call using the button below.

Sarah Clarke Shine Brighter Career Coach