My signature S.H.I.N.E© coaching framework

Back in 2016 when my own professional confidence and identity were knocked for six after redundancy and time off during my first maternity leave, I devised my own signature coaching framework to help me reconnect with who I was, what I was great at and what I truly wanted out of my own career.

I now use this same simple 5-step S.H.I.N.E© coaching framework to help my own clients articulate and reconnect with their own unique professional and personal purpose, passions, values, strengths, skills, knowledge and experience.

This simple framework brings about incredible clarity which will boost your professional confidence as you start to reclaim your professional identity and purpose.

You’ll rediscover what you’re really great at and what you truly want and need from your work life in order to flourish and feel fulfilled again. It’s like unlocking your own professional ‘secret sauce’ or code.

You’ll create your very own unique ‘Work Happiness Blueprint©’ for success and fulfilment in your work life. 

But don’t just take it from me, see what my clients have to say about it here!

I love this framework so much, I’ve built all my 1:1 and group coaching programmes around it.

Work Happiness Blueprint
S is for Story - SHINE career coaching

S is for STORY

We’ll start things off by crystallising what you already know about your current work situation. You’ll tell me your career story. The highs, the lows. Warts and all! We’ll pick up where we left off after our initial chat and have an honest conversation about your likes, your loathes, your strengths and your weaknesses from a work perspective.

We’ll consider the what, where and the who. No detail will be too insignificant. The highs will have elements in common and so will the lows. Patterns will start to emerge. As Steve Jobs once said, “You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards”. After all, your past holds the key to your future.


This is where we have some fun! What would true happiness at work and home look, feel and sound like to you? What would your dream role be? What kind of working pattern would allow you to flourish in your career as well as at home? What kind of industries and organisations excite you? What kind of colleagues would you be energised to work with?

It’s important to aim for ‘utopia’ here. We need to make your end goal as compelling as possible. Dare to dream. A lot. This process in coaching is known as ‘positive visualisation’ and can be really powerful in unlocking your thinking about how you’d like your relationship with work to be. As with the above phase, patterns and themes will start to emerge and provide clues to your unique values and strengths.


The first two phases are all about information gathering. Getting enough ‘data’ about your values and strengths to glean some meaningful patterns, from which we can start to craft your dream career scenario. These insights will provide the clues as to what you should be doing more of at work in order to be successful and fulfilled as well as where you should be doing it and with whom.

Psychometric tools and personality profiling, such as Hogan* Assessment, provide objective and personality-based insights into your own unique values, strengths and stress profile. You’ll have the option of going through this assessment if you’d like to further back up and validate your insights. The tool also highlights any potential blindspots that could get in the way of your success, if left unchecked. 

Knowledge is power, so with this enhanced self-awareness, you will find structuring your thoughts into a realistic plan much easier. You can read more about it here. I am certified to administer the first three on this page: HPI, HDS and MVPI. They are the most powerful of the Hogan reports, in my opinion.

N is for NEW

This is where we download all those brilliant ideas and possibilities from your poor, overloaded brain! We’ll discuss all things ‘new‘. No idea or suggestion is too outlandish. In fact, the more outlandish the better! You’ll probably be surprised at just how realistic some of them can be.

We’ll consider new industries, new possible career paths, new business ideas, new perspectives, new boundaries, new ways of working and a new and improved mindset to instil a new-found confidence of what is possible in your professional future.


E is for EMBARK

With this context and insight combined with all these brilliant ideas, we’ll then embark upon a plan of action that will help you achieve your personal and professional goals. This may be a new and exciting career path or a more flexible and realistic working pattern for you and your family.

 I’ll help you confidently articulate your unique value in the world of work and business and I can also help you identify prospective organisations with whom you should discuss it. I’ll help you market yourself with confidence, negotiate flexible working -if appropriate- so can bring your definition of work happiness to life. Whether that’s making  a change in your corporate career or starting your own business.

* Hogan Assessment –  This is by no means obligatory but it adds a certain objectivity and clarity to coaching which is hard to replicate through other means. Take a look at my 1:1 coaching packages below to see the options available with and without it.

Coaching Support


Click on the images below to find out about how we can work together and read about the various packages I offer.

Career Coaching

Founder Coaching

Not quite ready to commit to a package?

I totally get it.

Investing in yourself can feel really daunting, especially if you’re not used to putting yourself first very often!

If you’re not ready to go ‘all in’ and commit to a package of coaching just yet, I offer ad hoc 90 minute SPARK coaching session for £275 where we can focus on a particular challenge you’re facing in your work life. 

This can be anything from unpacking your confidence blockers or  self-limiting beliefs to identifying your strengths and preparing for an interview or big client pitch!

You can book and purchase this SPARK session by clicking on the button below.

Or why not join my affordable career coaching membership?

“The SHINE Collective is an inspiring community
for purpose-led women who want to find
more confidence, clarity & contentment
in their work lives.”

For less than a tenner a week – i.e £49/ month (with a minimum 4 month commitment) –  you’ll get access to self-directed professional career coaching modules, workbooks, masterclasses, personal development and mentoring support, monthly lunch and learn sessions, a group coaching call and a friendly private Facebook community packed with career and personal development support and resources.

Have you downloaded my free future founder workbook?

Let's connect on social media

If you’re passionate about creating more happiness in your work life, I share loads of free resources and content on social media so please do connect with on your favourite platform. You can also check out these free resources and inspiration.

I’m @theworkhappinesscoach on instagram, facebook (where I also have a free Facebook group called The Work Happiness Playbook), I’m here on Linkedin and I also have a newsletter called Work Happy Words, where I regularly share handy hints and tips as well special offers and early bird discounts to my various programmes and packages.

Alternatively you can drop me a good old fashioned email on [email protected] or book a free no strings call using the button below.

Sarah Clarke Shine Brighter Career Coach