The SHINE Collective Membership
A self-directed career clarity & confidence coaching membership club.
Imagine your best work life...
One that lights you up.
A career or business that aligns with your personality & purpose.
A work life that fills you with confidence & contentment.
On your terms.
I believe that when you do work that aligns
with who you are & what you're passionate about, you'll shine brighter.
with who you are & what you're passionate about, you'll shine brighter.
Sounds simple, right?
You and I both know that there are so many things that can get in the way and hold us back from making our wildest career and business dreams a reality.
Not insignificant things, like struggling with a lack of clarity, direction, confidence, self-belief, time, support, motivation and accountability…the list goes on.
I also know that work can sometimes feel like a lonely place; particularly if you’re self-employed or you’re looking to leave your corporate 9-5 and approaching your HR team or line manager for career development support feels a bit awkward. 😬
That’s why I decided to harness the personal and career development power of my signature 1:1 S.H.I.N.E work happiness coaching programme to create…
The SHINE Collective membership
The Shine Collective is an affordable, friendly personal development and career coaching membership club; giving you access to 9 x self-directed career coaching modules and workbooks and nearly 30 hours of recorded work happiness workshops and guest speaker sessions.
You’ll also get access to career development expertise through monthly live-taught workshops and guest speaker sessions, a monthly group coaching call as well as inspiration, motivation, accountability and support from an (optional) private facebook community.
My aim is to help you find more work happiness and get crystal clarity on your best next steps so you can unlock your potential and really thrive in your work life; whether that’s in your corporate life or in your own small business.
The SHINE Collective is an inspiring community
for purpose-led women who want to find
more confidence, clarity & contentment
in their work lives.
So if you're feeling:
- Stuck, overwhelmed or lost in your work life
- Lonely & unsupported in your career or self-employed business
- "There must be more to work than this?"
- Confused or unclear about your next steps
- A strong urge to do something that has more meaning
- Unclear about your offer or value to prospective employers or clients
- Crushed by a lack of confidence & imposter syndrome
Fed up of treading water & not making the progress you want
- Ready to take action, feel happier & be more successful...!
…then The SHINE Collective membership is the perfect place for you.
Get ready to rediscover your shine so you can make work your happy place and finally unlock your potential.
What will you get?
A library of nearly 30 hours of pre-recorded career & personal development Masterclasses and guest speaker sessions which you can access at any time.
8 x downloadable personal development workbooks crammed full of theory, coaching exercises & templates to support your reflections on each of the core Masterclass topics.
Articles, coaching prompts, book & podcast recommendations to support your development & boost your confidence, shared in the private Facebook group.
Lunch & Learns
A monthly live-taught personal development workshop or guest speaker session held via zoom over lunch time. Available to watch back on replay in your members’ area.
Group Coaching
A monthly group Q&A coaching call via zoom where you can ask questions, connect with others and be inspired. Available to watch on replay in the Facebook group if you can’t make them live.
An optional, supportive, active, friendly community and ready-made network of like-minded, brilliant women via a private Facebook group.
Ad hoc Lives
Ad hoc Facebook lives on various work happiness topics such as confidence & motivation to inspire you to take action. Available on replay if you can’t make them live.
1:1 Coaching Call
When you sign up for the VIP Monthly membership, you’ll also get a 45 min 1:1 zoom coaching call for only £100 (worth £150).
What kind of outcomes can I expect?
Get ready to find out exactly who you are, what makes you tick, your unique value in the world and what would make you happier and even more successful in your career or business.
By working through all the topics and content and attending the monthly group coaching calls you’ll be able to:
- Align your work with your unique personality & purpose
- Get unstuck & motivated in your work life
- Feel more confident about your value & worth
- Identify your unique talents, strengths & USPs
- Reconnect with your values & what’s important
- Learn more about your personality preferences
- Understand what makes you happy at work
- Learn how to find more purpose & meaning in your work life
- Realign your career or business around your strengths, values & personality
- Decipher your best next steps in your career or business
- Unlock your authentic potential
- Learn how to be happier & more impactful in your work life
- Design your own Work Happiness Blueprint©
- Re-design your career or business, on your terms
- Reclaim your life outside of work through better boundaries
You’ll have access to an extensive library of personal development resources including pre-recorded masterclasses, downloadable coaching workbooks and guest speaker session recordings. With a friendly private Facebook community and a monthly group coaching call, you’ll be working happy in no time! Binge watch and learn or go at your own pace! Fit in your work happiness reflections around your busy life and time frames.
By working through the topic content you’ll be able to create your own Work Happiness Blueprint© which is a specific set of insights and criteria, personal to you, that when incorporated into your plans, will increase your chances of success and happiness in your work life.
By taking actions that aligned with these insights, you’ll be able to design a work life which brings you more meaning and success on your terms; completely aligned to your authentic personality and purpose.
Every month I share coaching prompts, new resources, articles, podcast recommendations, Facebook lives and content on various work happiness topics to help you create more impact, feel more confident and be more purposeful in your career or business.
Throughout your time in the membership you’ll gain access to 3 buckets of career confidence and clarity-boosting content:
- Know Yourself – uncover your personality preferences, values and strengths
- Know Your Worth – identify your unique value, boost your confidence, know your authentic leadership style
- Find Your Direction – decipher your best next steps, get motivated and keep going through tough times
Know Yourself
My Personality Preferences
Boost your self-awareness and learn about your preferences using the personality profiling tool, Myers Briggs.
Understand how your personality type influences your ideal work life, what energises you, your relationships with others, how you prefer to operate, make decisions, and manage conflict and stress.
My Values
Learn about the importance of understanding and living your values in your career or business.
Decode and define your own core values and beliefs.
Unpick any self-limiting beliefs and learn how to convert them into empowering beliefs.
My Strengths
Learn about the concept of positive psychology and its role in strengths-building for a happier more successful work life.
Identify your natural talents, strengths and transferable skills.
Learn how to upgrade your strengths to superpowers!
Know Your Worth
My Unique Value
Reconnect with your unique value, USPs (Unique Selling Points) and what makes you special in the world of work and business
Learn how to sell yourself authentically and stand out from the crowd to prospective employers or clients.
My Confidence & Self-Belief
Learn about the neuroscience of confidence and how you can curate your own confident mindset.
Banish imposter syndrome, tame your inner critic and crush ‘comparison-itis’ using practical techniques and strategies.
Me as a Leader
Learn how you can become a more intuitive, authentic and confident leader in your career or business.
Reconnect with your value, define your own leadership style, raise your profile and be more successful.
Find Your Direction
What's next in my work life?
Translate your USPs, strengths, values and skills into career or business possibilities and options to ensure your best work future.
Think new career paths, new industry sectors, new ideal clients, new boundaries, new mindsets, new products and services.
Get Motivated
Learn how you can tap into intrinsic motivation and understand the neuroscience that explains it.
Uncover what motivates and drives you and how you can make your goals more emotionally compelling and attainable.
So what exactly is
The SHINE Collective?
The SHINE Collective isn’t a course or a coaching programme.
It’s much more than that.
It’s a community of brilliant, purpose-led women who want to find more inspiration, confidence, clarity and contentment in their work lives; either in their careers or businesses.
Whether you run your own business (or aspire to one day!) or you are working in the corporate world; the membership will give you access to high quality personal and professional development support to help you unlock your potential and shine brighter.
I believe that quality career and personal development support should be available to all, and that everyone deserves to thrive and shine brighter in their work life…
All for just over £10 per week, when you sign up for 4 months.
What do members say?
Ready to give it a try?
You can sign up on a monthly (for a minimum of 4 months) or on a VIP basis (which includes a heavily discounted monthly 1:1 coaching call).
Please do drop me a line on [email protected] if you have any questions.
Choose your membership plan
4 month minimum sign up
VIP Monthly
Downgrade Anytime
Alternatively you can purchase an individual topic as a mini-course for £39
If you’ve been thinking about joining my affordable career and personal development membership, The Shine Collective, but fancy a no-commitment taster of the kind of topics we cover, these ‘on-demand’ mini-courses might be just the ticket.
Click here or on the image below to find out more about The Shine Collective On Demand Mini-Courses.
Why work with me?
I’m Sarah Clarke. Mum, wife, optimist and self-confessed personal and career development geek.
I’m on a mission to help talented women unlock their potential and find more happiness at work, by showing them how to design their best work lives – on their terms.
I’ve worked in the fields of employee happiness and development for nearly 2 decades and am fascinated by – and incredibly passionate about – the professional potential of women in particular.
I left the corporate world of employee engagement and development in 2016 and went freelance. I then set up my own career and leadership development coaching business in March 2018.
Since then I have helped hundreds of talented women (and a few men!) reconnect with their unique strengths, values and confidence; enabling them to unlock their potential and shine even brighter in their careers and businesses.
My profound interest in personalities and human potential was confirmed when I qualified as a strengths and performance coach over a decade ago.
I’m also certified to conduct MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), Hogan’s Leadership Forecast Series and Gallup’s CliftonStrengths psychometric assessments which I use throughout my coaching practise.
My approach is informed by positive psychology and neuroscience insights.
Before becoming a freelance career and leadership coach, I worked at several fast-paced and dynamic organisations, each one with their own unique and vibrant culture. All of these companies epitomise innovation, passion and creativity and these values have helped shape my own work philosophy.
Originally from Nottingham, I now live in Buckinghamshire with my husband, two young daughters and cat!
You can read more about my work experience here and read some kind words from happy clients here.
Other ways we can work together
4 month min sign up
VIP Monthly
2 month min sign up
So if you're ready to start feeling:
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- Motivated and excited about your work life again
- Supported, understood and part of a community that has your back
- “Ahh, this is what work happiness feels like!”
- Crystal clear on your next steps professionally
- That you finally do work that lights you up every day
- Like ‘you on a good day’, every day of your working life
- Clear about how you can monetise your talents, skills & experience
- Confident about your offer, worth and value to prospective employers or clients
- Excited at the prospect of Monday morning
- Like you are making real progress towards your best work life
- Happier and more fulfilled in all aspects of your life, not just your work life!