How to feel more confident in your work life

This article is on the ubiquitous topic of ‘confidence’. Because, well, who couldn’t do with learning how to feel even a little bit more confident in their work life?  And yes, confidence is a skill you can learn. People aren’t born confident.

But it is a skill we all need to learn if we’re to find more happiness and success in our work lives. After all, without confidence, your thoughts, ideas, aspirations and dreams won’t ever come to fruition.

Read on for all the hacks, tips and resources to help you feel more confident and working happy… before you can even say ‘imposter syndrome’.

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

– Henry Ford

Mindset is everything

Mindset is everything and your thoughts are not facts. How many times have you heard those words before?

Our incredible, wonderfully complex brains are wired to keep us safe and cannot tell the difference between a real and a perceived threat.

So if you think something bad might happen (such as not getting that amazing job if you apply for it or no one buying your new offering), your brain will respond as though you are facing a real threat; triggering your autonomic nervous system and flooding your system with stress hormones.

This kick-starts your flight, fright and freeze response; causing you to either panic, run for the hills or stay rooted to the spot. (i.e you don’t even bother applying for that amazing job or launching your business for fear of rejection.)

Thanks for nothing, brain.

This primitive response has served the human race well for millennia. It’s kept us safe from the likes of sabre tooth tigers who used to lurk outside our caves.

But in a world where tigers are less common in the work place (unless perhaps you work in a zoo?), how do we manage this natural response and push through the fear to get what we truly want out of life? In this instagram live from earlier in the year, I shared a few tips on how you can overcome this primitive response, beat the paralysing effects of imposter syndrome and make progress in your work life.

What else affects your mindset?

In short, lots of things!

a) your beliefs

b) your experiences

c) your assumptions

c) your social and personal constructs

The truth is, we all see the world through our own filters which are shaped by so many factors. These filters then influence our thoughts and ultimately our actions.

A handy model to help you deconstruct your own ‘filters’ is the Ladder of Inference where each ‘rung’ of the ladder represents another filter through which your thoughts will have passed before they actually come to fruition as actions.

In this video, I explain how these filters and ‘rungs’ can really get in the way of you taking action if you let them!

If you've found this helpful...

…and you’d like to find out how I can help you feel more confident in your professional life, I’d love to chat. 

I hope this article on confidence has offered some food for thought and that you have a few practical strategies to try out next time your very own version of ‘Snarky Sarah’ rears her ugly head!


What’s come up for you? What baby step could you take to boost your self-belief and confidence when it comes to taking the next step in your work life?


What would you attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail?


If you’d like to chat about how I could help you find the confidence to create your own ‘work happy place’, you can book a free ‘no-strings’ call via the button below.

If you’d prefer to do a little self-directed learning and development, I’ve created a mini-course on this very topic which you can access for only £49.

This mini-course is packed full of tips and strategies on how you can overcome imposter syndrome, comparison-itis, self-limiting beliefs and automatic negative thinking to name but a few confidence crushers. Click here to find out more.


How to find your purpose

This is an article on the non-insignificant topic of ‘purpose’. And more specifically how to find your purpose. That elusive something that we all seem to be endlessly searching for in life.

I’ll be dispelling the myth that we all have one singular, definitive purpose and showing you how you can make finding  your purpose more accessible by simply weaving it into aspects your every day life. 

Banish your significant other(s) to the another room, pour yourself something cold, pop in your ear phones, grab a pen and paper.

(You’re going to want to take notes! )

“The stronger your ‘why’, the less the ‘how’ matters”

– Dan Cable

Wondering if you'll ever 'find your thing?'

Are you feeling the pressure to have found ‘your thing’ by now? Whatever ‘your thing’ is meant to be…

If your answer is ‘yes’, then rest assured that you’re not alone.

We put so much pressure on ourselves to have it all worked out by now, have our shit together, finally grow up and ‘adult‘.

Ugh. The overwhelm that this sort of thinking can create is what often sends my clients into a tailspin of panic and stuck-ness.

But what if you were to view purpose in a different way?

Instead of a static, shiny ‘destination’ (full of unicorns and fairy dust), what if you started to view your purpose as a journey filled with ‘purposeful moments’?

I believe that we all have multiple purposes in our lives and that as we grow and evolve, so our purpose evolves and shifts.

My own purpose has changed in the 4 short years I’ve been running my business! When I started out in 2018, I was known as @shinebrightermums and focused solely on helping mums return to work, because that’s what my purpose was then. Now that’s only a very small portion of my work.

It’s well-evidenced that it can be unhelpful – not to mention unhealthy – to spend too much time in the past or indeed in the future; and that being more present and enjoying the ‘here and now’ is where we’d do well to focus our energies.

With this in mind, how could you incorporate more purpose into your day-to-day work life?

The answer is through a process called job-crafting. And you can apply this approach to both your corporate role or in your self-employed business.

In this article, Dan Cable talks about the ‘3 P’s of job-crafting’. And yes, one of those P’s stands for ‘Purpose’. He asks:

How can you find and connect to more meaning in your day-to-day tasks? Ask yourself WHY a specific activity is important to you four times.

What's your Ikigai?

If you’ve never heard of the word IKIGAI before then you might be wondering what on earth I’m talking about. Pronounced ick-ee-guy, it’s a Japanese philosophy around purpose which originates from the island of Okinawa. Okinawa is said to be home to the largest number of centenarians, which begs the question whether it is the secret to longevity! Here is a brief video I did on my instagram feed about Ikigai some time ago.

Coaching prompts to help you find more purpose

Journal around the following questions:

1. What activities do you never need to put on your to do list?

2. What would you do for free if money was no object?

3. What topics get you hot under the collar?

4. What kinds of articles or posts do you share on social media?

5. What non-fiction books do you find yourself drawn to and why?

6. What life lessons have shaped you that could also benefit other people?

If you've found this helpful...

…and you’d like to find out how I can help you find more purpose in your professional life, I’d love to chat. 

I hope this article and resources on finding more purpose in your work life has offered some food for thought and that you now have a few ideas about how you can make work feel more meaningful every day.

If you’d like to find out how I could help you find more purpose and create your own ‘work happy place’, you can book a free ‘no-strings -whatsoever’ call via the pink button below. 

My 1:1 coaching programmes start at £1599 or you can sign up for my affordable career and personal development coaching membershipThe Shine Collective today if you’d rather take things a little slower and ‘DIY’ your work happiness journey from only £47/ month. There is a whole module dedicated to purpose and finding your next best steps in there.


Are you making this common career change mistake?

This career change mistake is the biggest blocker approximately 90% of my clients face when they are standing at a crossroads in their career. 

The career change mistake so many of them make is feeling they have to be clear on their destination before they take the first step. 

It’s not unusual for prospective clients to send me an email or DM talking about their predicament of feeling stuck and saying things like, “I just need to work out what it is I want to do, then I’ll be ready to talk to a career coach…”

If this sounds familiar, then you’re not alone!

I know just how unsettling it can be to feel like you’re free-falling; no idea where you’ll end up or how you’ll even get there – wherever ‘there‘ may be… But waiting until you get clarity on your destination may well delay your work happiness by months… if not years.

In 2016, I was made redundant from my Head of Talent & Engagement role whilst – unbeknownst to me – in the early stages of pregnancy with my second little girl. Soon after, my husband was also made redundant.
Quite frankly, it was a bit of a sh!t show all round!

By far the biggest mistake people make when trying to change careers, is to delay taking the first step until they have settled on a destination. “

 – Herminia Ibarra

Tune into your inner compass

It was like my world had been turned upside down overnight. I had zero clue what lay in store for me professionally and my confidence was in tatters.

I didn’t have the luxury of time on my side with a baby on the way, so I just put one foot in front of the other and started. Lucky for me, having worked in personal development for years, I had a good deal of self-awareness and a strong inner compass which I proceeded to follow relentlessly.

I said ‘yes’ to opportunities that ‘felt good’, aligned with who I was, energised me and played to my strengths. I also said yes to a few things that didn’t feel quite right – and then instantly regretted it!

Through this iterative process of self-discovery, lots and LOTS of cock-ups, lots of baby steps (and lots of lovely learning), I finally created my own work happy place a couple of years later.

The point is, you don’t have to know where you’re headed, you just have to take the first step and START. Work out who you are and then start doing it on purpose.

Find out who you are and do it on purpose.

 – Dolly Parton

Take the first step

The ‘working out who you are‘ bit is the undoubtedly the hardest part!

Which is where I come in…

Luckily, self-discovery, personal development and personality stuff is kind of my zone of genius. I’ve been helping people understand who they are, what they’re great at and what would make them happy at work for the best part of 2 decades now.

So, if you’d like to give the googling and self-help books a rest, I’d love to help. 

Or if you’d like to talk about how we could work together 1:1 so I can help you find more purpose and create your own ‘work happy place’, you can book a free ‘no-strings -whatsoever’ call via the pink button below (prices start at £1599) or you can sign up for my affordable career coaching membershipThe Shine Collective today if you’d rather take things a little slower and ‘DIY’ your work happiness journey for only £47/ month.


5 myths to dispel before you start your own business

Have you ever wondered if you could start your own business one day?


… and then promptly talked yourself out of it?

I know I did. 🙋‍♀️ At least a hundred times before I finally took the plunge and did it. And even then, it was crisis that was actually the catalyst for my decision to start up my own business, Shine Brighter, in the Spring of 2016.

I was in the early stages of pregnancy with my second daughter and I’d just been made redundant from my Head of Talent and Engagement role. At the time, going self-employed seemed like my only option. “Who would employ a pregnant person on a part-time basis for just a few months before the baby arrives?” 

But self-employment had always appealed on some level. My dad ran his own successful management consultancy for many years so I knew that it could be done. Plus, as somewhat of a ‘free spirit’ and a square peg in a ’round corporate hole’ for much of my 15 year career, the lure of more autonomy, freedom and flexibility was always a big driver for me in wanting to start my own business one day.

As The Work Happiness Coach™️, I make a living out of helping brilliant people like you find your ‘work happy place’. But what happens if a client struggles to find an opportunity that fits them like a glove? 🤔

The answer is simple, I help them create their own ‘work happy place.’
And my 1:1 coaching programmes are designed to help you build and grow your very own ‘made-to-measure’ business. A beautifully aligned work life and business that’s simply an extension of who you are.

So the question is, could you start your own business?

The path to entrepreneurship most definitely isn’t for everyone, but for some – like me  – it’s the best decision they ever make in their careers. In this article, I’m dispelling a few myths about what it’s really like to work for yourself. So if you’re even slightly curious, read on..

 Learning how to monetise your talents in new and innovative ways will be an essential skill to master in future world of work. “

Myth #1

Working for yourself is risky

This is one myth that’s been well and truly busted as a result of the global pandemic. Roles are being made redundant left, right and centre. The truth is, no job is ever 100% secure. Your notice period indicates just how secure your job really is.
The days of ‘a job for life’ that our grandparents subscribed to are long since gone. We can no longer rely on putting all our ‘work eggs’ in one basket. The world of work is changing and many roles will become obsolete as technology and AI evolves.
Those who are adaptable, resilient and agile will survive in this ever-changing job market.  Learning how to monetise your talents in new and innovative ways will be an essential skill to master in future world of work. 

Myth #2

Your income will be less predictable

There’s a common misconception that being employed by someone else guarantees a predictable monthly income. But in reality, there are many factors that actually influence your pay cheque at the end of each month.
How the board who run your company decide to allocate bonuses will be largely out of your control, unless you sit on said board. Market rates and benchmarking performed by HR will likely determine your maximum earning potential.
As an entrepreneur, your mindset (and strategy!) are pretty much the only limits on your earning potential!
When you learn how to make your own money on your own terms, you’ll never become a victim of someone else’s decisions again. Entrepreneurialism is a life skill that will stand you in good stead, even in a global pandemic .

Myth #3

Trading time for money is 'worth it'

Work used to be about trading time to do a job that simply paid the bills (even if it sucked the life out of you) with the promise of a nice ‘nest-egg’ or pension at the age of 65.
It’s now looking more likely that we’ll be working well into our 70’s before we’ll be able to retire and those ‘nest-eggs’ are looking less and less likely in an increasingly volatile financial landscape.
‘Always-on’ culture and 60 hour working weeks mean that burnout is rife and our physical and mental health is suffering. The trade off is simply no longer worth it.
Work simply has to matter more and nourish our personal lives; not detract from it. Working parents and millennials alike are waking up to the fact that there’s more to life.

Myth #4

You need 'a boss' to feel motivated

From what we know about motivation; extrinsic factors such as bonuses, promotions, SMART goals, fancy job titles and benefits have limited and short-lived motivational value.
When you’re only operating from a place of external validation in pursuit of these extrinsic factors, you may have to compromise who you are in order to attain them.
True motivation comes from working in alignment with your values and playing to your strengths. This is known as intrinsic motivation and it has a huge influence over how motivated you feel in your work life. Intrinsic motivation comes from being able to bring your whole self to work, every day.
When your work has meaning and purpose it takes on a life of its own and actually over-working is likely to be more of a concern than under-working, in my experience!
If you’d like to learn more about the neuroscience and psychology of motivation, we cover this off in more detail in my personal development membership, The Shine Collective.

Myth #5

You need to be a confident person to 'go it alone'

This statement isn’t 100% myth because yes, of course, confidence and self-belief are very important ingredients in any successful entrepreneur’s artillery!
But what is a myth, is that you have to feel confident before you take the first step.
Confidence comes from evidence. Evidence that nothing bad will happen if you do ‘the hard thing’ and take the first step. Confidence grows with every positive experience you have on your entrepreneurial journey. 

I go into the neuroscience that explains confidence and the various hacks and strategies you can apply to your own work life in my personal development membership, The Shine Collective, if you’d like to dig a little deeper.
You don’t have to ‘go all in’ all at once. The road to entrepreneurialism can be as gradual, slow and steady as you want it to be. Every baby step you take out of your comfort zone gives you the confidence to take the next step and so on. Before you know it, you’ll be achieving things that were previously beyond your wildest dreams.
If working for yourself has ever even crossed your mind, it could well be your path to work happiness.
It’s not for the faint-hearted but fortune really does favour the brave.

I for one have never been more fulfilled, motivated (or financially successful) in my entire 20 year career since I set up my own business back in 2016.
So if you’d like to have a no strings chat about exploring the option of working for yourself, I’d love to hear from you. You can book a slot using the button below.